
Dr. Kenneth Yu |
Prof. Ken Yu has been honored by AIAA with the AIAA Sustained Service Award. This award is presented to recognize sustained, significant service and contributions to the AIAA by members of the Institute. The citation for Prof. Yu's award reads, "For sustained service and leadership to the AIAA Propellants and Combustion Technical Committee, to many AIAA Conferences, and to AIAA publications as an author and associate editor of the (AIAA) Journal of Propulsion and Power."
Dr. Ken Yu is associate professor of aerospace engineering at University of Maryland. He is interested in jet propulsion and power, especially combustor-related issues to improve efficiency, reduce pollutants or suppress instabilities. He has conducted pioneering research on liquid-fueled active combustion control and cavity-based scramjet mixing enhancement. His work has resulted in about 200 publications, including nine U.S. patents and four conference best paper awards.
The award will be presented to Prof. Yu at the 49th AIAA.ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit in San Jose, California, from 15-17 July 2013.
Congratulations Dr. Yu!
January 23, 2013